Ice Cream Social 8/31, 2-4pm at the NHIA Community Center
Free ice cream and a chance to meet your neighbors. We will also have some games.
See you Saturday!
Ice Cream Social 8/31, 2-4pm at the NHIA Community Center
Free ice cream and a chance to meet your neighbors. We will also have some games.
See you Saturday!
Brief NHIA Member Meeting with Pizza prior to History Talk
6:30 pm Wednesday July 17
Past, Present, and Future
Presented by Walter Fowler
New Hope Improvement Association Building
4014 Whitfield Road
Wednesday, July 17, 7 pm
History of New Hope Creek: Past, Present, and Future
Presented by Walter Fowler
NHIA Community Center
Wednesday, July 17 at 7 pm
The New Hope Improvement Association will host a “Strawberry Shortcake Celebration” from 1 to 3 PM on Saturday, May 18 at the community center at 4014 Whitfield Rd, Chapel Hill.
The purpose of the event is to build community, meet your neighbors, and enjoy eating strawberry shortcake!
The event is free. Donations will be taken (but not solicited) for the Pruitt Health Center Annual Christmas giving event.
We hope you will join us.
RSVPs are appreciated (but not required) to andresen.sue@gmail.com.
Wildflower and History Hike
Led by Dr. Robert Peet
Blackwood Farm Park, NC 86 past New Hope Church Road
10 am Sat April 6 (Rain Date 10 am Sun April 7)
Carpooling available from NHIA Building on Whitfield Rd at 9:45 am
Sat November 11 at 10 am
Join us for a 2 mile hike along the New Hope Creek
Meet at the NHIA Building at 9:45 or park at Duke Forest Gate 26 off Whitfield Road
Led by UNC Professor Emeritus Dr. Bob Peet
Free T-shirts!
(rain date Sun Nov 12 at 10 am)
Please come join us on Sunday, October 29, from 5-7pm for a Monster Mash.
Treats, Halloween fun house, fun to be had.
Please come in costume.
There will be a donation jar for our (now) annual fundraiser to buy Christmas gifts for the residents and workers at Pruitt Health.
See you then.
Please join us Friday, October 6, 2023, for a Dessert Pot-Luck and open Board Meeting, from 7pm-9pm
Have you ever wondered what goes on in our board meetings? Well, now is your chance to see us in action. Friday, October 6, 2023, from 7-9pm we will be having an open Board Meeting at the New Hope Improvement Association building. You are welcome to attend and join in the conversation. The only thing you won’t be able to do is vote on any resolutions.
Please bring a dessert to share and get to know your neighbors… and board members. And, who knows, maybe you will be interested in joining the board!
Please join us this Saturday night, from 7-9pm for games and berry fun desserts!
Bring your favorite berry dessert and a game or two.
This event is free (though donations are always welcome).
New Hope Improvement Association
4014 Whitfield Rd
Chapel Hill NC
Saturday, June 24, 2023
7:00 – 9:00pm