All posts by NHIA
You are invited to the annual NHIA Ice Cream Social and Open House presented by the New Hope Volunteer Fire Department
From Regulators to Revolution: How Orange County, North Carolina, Changed American History 5/22/19
New Hope Improvement Assoc.
4012 Whitifeld Road, Chapel Hill, NC
The President and the Board of the NHIA invite you, your family and friends to a talk by Scott Washington on Wednesday. May 22nd at 7 p.m at the NHIA building.
The title is: From Regulators to Revolution: How Orange County, North Carolina, Changed American History.
Free and open to all.
Please bring a dessert that can be shared.
Mr. Scott Washington was Assistant Director of the Orange County Historical Museum in Hillsborough. He is an American historian, scholar. writer, and a lively speaker. Scott is the weekly co-host of “History Matters” on the Aaron Keck Show, broadcast on WCHL FM radio in Chapel Hill and heard throughout the Triangle area and on the Internet.
Nature Hike and Food Drive 4/6/19
Johnson Mill Guided Hike begins at 10:00 am in the parking lot at 6001 Turkey Farm Rd, Chapel Hill, and will cover about one mile, with an optional trillium hunt/hike at the end.
Parking is limited so we encourage you to carpool. Carpoolers will depart from the New Hope Improvement Association at 9:45 am. (What a convenient time to also bring a PORCH donation!)
This event is FREE and open to the public.
From 9:00 am to 12:00 pm Drop off your donations for PORCH of Chapel Hill at the New Hope Improvement Association, 4014 Whitfield Rd, Chapel Hill (adjacent to the fire station).
- Low-sugar cereals
- Cans of tuna and chicken
- Cans of fruits and vegetables of all kinds
- Healthy snacks such as applesauce, raisins, peanuts, granola bars, peanut butter crackers, peanuts, etc.
- Pasta and pasta sauce
- Bags of rice and beans of all kinds
- Plastic containers of peanut butter and jelly
- Mac & cheese
Pictures from Turkey Run 2018
Pictures from the Membership Meeting
Membership Meeting 9/25/18
The next Membership Meeting is Tuesday, September 25, 2018, beginning with pizza at 6:30 p.m. Please RSVP by Monday, September 24, so we can order pizza. All RSVPs should come to
This is an important meeting, so please come. You do not need to be a paid-up member to come.
The slate of nominees for the Board of the NHIA for the biennium 2019-2010 will be presented at this time. Future plans for the New Hope Improvement Association building and plans for 2019 events will be discussed.
In order to vote in the upcoming election, you must be a dues-paying member of the Association. If you have paid your dues for 2018, thank you. If you pay your 2018 dues by September 30, 2018, you may vote. If you pay your dues after September 30, 2018, your dues are credited to 2019, and you may not vote.
If you have any questions about your dues status or other questions, please contact
The Board encourages you to come.
Public Safety Program 8/21/18
Orange County Sheriffs’ Community Engagement
Come hear deputies from the Orange County Sheriff’s department give a short presentation and attend a question and answer session
Tuesday August 21 at 7 pm
4014 Whitfield Road
Free and open to all – Bring your neighbor!
Refreshments will be served
Pictures from the 2018 Ice Cream Social
Ice Cream Social 7/22/18
You are invited to the annual Ice Cream Social on Sunday, July 22, from 2-4 pm. There will be music, the ol’ timey Porch Climbers; fun, including bouncy house; open house with the New Hope Volunteer Fire Department; and of course, ice cream with all the toppings.
Come and join the fun and visit with your neighbors!
Pictures from Funny Girl Farm
Thanks to Casey Roe and Funny Girl Farm for the great tour of the farm!