PSNC Natural Gas Q&A Event Summary

Thanks to PSNC Energy for presenting a Q & A session on bringing natural gas into area neighborhoods.

Shane Currin is the new dedicated Chapel Hill PSNC Sales Representative who spoke to the 26 people who came to learn how they can get natural gas into their homes.  Shane encouraged folks to get their neighborhood to document their interest by filling out a questionnaire.  If enough people in a neighborhood are interested then he will come out to individuals’ homes and start the several-months’ process to extend natural gas “main” lines to service the area.  Questionnaires can be filled out online at or postage-free postcards can be picked up from the folder on the NHIA Community Room covered porch.

To be cost effective for PSNC to run natural gas into a neighborhood, there needs to be 75%-85% of the people on the street willing to sign-up for heat and hot water within a year of running the lines. Other appliances like stoves, grills, fireplace logs, dryer, gas lights, etc. are considered enhancements as they do not supply steady revenue.  If a “main” is installed in front or beside your home then PSNC will include up to 200 feet of line from their “main” to the customer’s home (there is an up to $10.80 / foot fee if farther than 200 feet).  If you are on a side street with no “main” then PSNC would include 100 feet of line towards your lot and 100 feet to  the house with the customer paying up to the $10.80 / foot difference.

Most propane appliances are convertible to natural gas.  Appliances that are not convertible are (1) old hot water heaters with tanks (some made in the past 5 years have adapters), (2) most fireplace logs, and (3) space heaters.

Heating and hot water for a 2000-sqft house averages $50 per month when using natural gas.

People went away from the meeting learning that they have a dedicated contact at PSNC and that neighborhoods need to be proactive in getting their neighbors to complete a questionnaire to request bringing service to their area.  (Diane and Mike Doub will be canvassing our Mimosa neighbors to try the “grass roots” approach.)

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