Communication Meeting Minutes 5/22/14


  1. Website Modifications
  2. New Content
  3. Review Calendar of Events
  4. Newsletter
  5. Other Business?


  1. Website Modifications

Discussion – Mike suggested that we consider having the home page be static with information that we want people to see right away when they hit the site.   Use the blogs on separate pages for things that have a level of re-occurrence like minutes to the various meetings.

ACTION: Lindsay to

  • Add a static page about NHIA as the first page that people see when accessing
  • Keep list of all the 2014 events with pointers to latest update
  • Keep blog but don’t make it the first item that people see.
  • Include the other verbiage on the Deer-Resistant gardening event summary instead of just “Our thanks to Joann Currier, who provided a wonderful tour through The Unique Plant‘s nursery”.  It was her plant knowledge that was important to people.


  1. New Content

Discussion –  Is there any new content that we should consider adding to the web site?

ACTION: Lindsay to add “Communication” section with Board Minutes, Communication Meeting Minutes and Newsletters subsections.  Okay to use blogs for each of these

ACTION: Diane to add “NHIA Donation Wish List” section to newsletter and include the need of a projector

ACTION: Meg to look in Safety deposit box for association documents that should be scanned and stored on server.  Need to decide what goes on the website.

ACTION: Mike and Lindsay to investigate how to give people access to a secure area on the server.


  1. Review Calendar Events

Discussion- is the calendar current, are the updates needed, anything unscheduled?

Sat, Feb 22  Robeson Mill Hike led by Stewart Dunaway in Duke Forest (write-up in March newsletter)

Mon, April 28 – Deer-Resistant Gardening at 7pm Led by Joann Currier of The Unique Plant.  (write-up will be in June newsletter)

Tue, May 6 – NC Primary Elections (Patterson Precinct) from 6:30am to 7:30pm  (write-up will be in June newsletter)

Tue, May 20 –Natural Gas East of Sunrise at 7pm  Led by a representative from PSNC  (write-up will be in June newsletter)

???, June ?? – Guest Speaker & Membership Meeting at 7pm  (NEW)

Sun, July 20 – Front Porch Ice Cream Social from 2pm to 5pm including music & a tribute to the late Sue Whitfield

Sat, Sept 20 – New Hope Volunteer Fire Department  & NHIA Country Breakfast from 7am to 11am

October (tbd) – Candidates’ Forum

November 8 – New Hope Turkey Run

November (tbd) – Member Meeting & Board Elections


  1. Next Newsletter

Discussion – Should we have one?  Decision was made to have a newsletter in June but not do a bulk mailing.  Format to be non-folded front & back page.  It will be hand delivered to members-only to save on postage.  It will also be placed on the website for general public access.

ACTION:  Diane to create a newsletter prior to the June Membership Meeting


  1. Membership Meeting:

Discussion – the discussion was about how to make the membership meeting interesting so people will want to attend and participate.  This included potential subjects that should be covered.

o   Strategy is to have a “draw” and a brief half hour membership meeting prior to the guest speaker.

o   Proposed Topics included: community watch, outdoor cooking, fracking, mountain to sea trail, and area geology

ACTION: ALL to decide on topic

ACTION: Walter to provide contact names for fracking – complete The authors of the well-known papers on fracking are Duke Professors Avner Vengosh and Robert Jackson, both of the Duke Nicholas School of the Environment.  It may be hard to get either of them but I’m sure there are others working with them who may be available for “outreach to the community.”

ACTION: Walter to provide contact names for local summer BBQ chef.

o   Proposed Agenda (not in any particular order)

o   Building Repairs and Finances

o   Fund raising options

o   Advertise / Solicit Help for upcoming events (Ice Cream Social, Country Breakfast & Upcoming Board Meeting / Elections) (Hopefully everyone will have seen second quarter events write-ups in the newsletter)

  • Website demo
  • Report on PSNC meeting

o   Guest Speaker Introduction

o   Presentation

ACTION: Walter & Meg to coordinate with Sue on projection screen installation.  Will it be ready for June Membership meeting?  If not, may need back-up plan based on presenter needs.

ACTION: Meg to finalize date for June Membership Meeting – update, finalizing with Sue; proposing June 17 or 19

ACTION: Mike to come up with a plan to get estimates & work priorities for the NHIA community building repairs

ACTION: Mike to investigate feasibility of sign sleeve(s)

  1. Ice Cream Social and Sue Whitfield Commemoration

Discussion – members present did not have clear understanding of the plan for the ice cream social.   Ideas were discussed.

ACTION: Walter write the commemorative speech

ACTION: Walter to arrange for the bench

ACTION: Diane to ask Sue for an update regarding the Ice Cream Social for the newsletter.  Is there going to be entertainment, kinds of ice cream, etc.  Also, what are the dates the October Candidates Forum and November Members Meeting/Board Elections.

ACTION: Mike to send out database info.  Walter interested in people who selected events they would be willing to volunteer for on their membership registration –complete, sent Friday.


Next Communications Meeting scheduled for Thursday, July 10th

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